
Are we a modern day lynch mob?

In 1970 President Nixon was lambasted in the press for declaring mass murderer Charles Manson guilty before a jury deliberated.  34 years later President Obama comments on the guilt of Donald Sterling, owner of the L.A. Clippers, before the NBA had investigated his racist remarks and few people thought twice about it.  That's how far our sense of justice and open-mindedness has declined.

Although the evidence was quite damming against Sterling, as it was in Manson's case, our system of justice assumes innocence until guilt is proven.  And although Sterling was not being tried in a court of law, media, politicians and respected institutions like the NBA should respect that rule of law.

Today, incited by insensitive, blood-thirsty media, the public often unwittingly participates in a lynch mob without any deliberation.  Although the qualifying word "alleged" was frequently used in the media and by politicians when commenting on Sterling's racist remarks, their subsequent commentaries were phrased in a way that clearly assumed guilt.  Even Sterling's own basketball team turned their jerseys inside out before their playoff game last Sunday as retribution for their employer's comments.  Unless we want to be governed by vigilante justice, due process must be allowed to take place before individuals take it upon themselves to administer any form of punishment.    

The goal of our founding fathers was to protect every citizen from being falsely condemned.  Although in this case, the lynch mob turned out to be right, we have seen many cases where the rush to judgment has caused innocent people to be harmed.  Take, for example, Steve Bartman who in 2003 interfered with a foul ball that likely cost the Chicago Cubs their first World Series appearance in nearly 60 years, or Richard Jewell, the falsely accused bomber at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.

The relentless and carefully crafted news coverage vilified both men.  Bartman, though an avid Cub fan, was portrayed as a cold-hearted opportunist who cared more about catching a souvenir than seeing his team win, while Jewell was painted as a wannabe police officer who desperately yearned for hero status.  As it turned out in Jewell's case he was a legitimate hero, but the media had vilified  him to the extent he could never recover.  And Bartman who retreated into the shadows has repeatedly turned down very lucrative media offers clearly demonstrating he is not the insensitive, opportunist he was made out to be.

Sterling should be punished, but I believe the severity of the NBA's disciplinary action was influenced by mob rule and not a fair, objective look at the evidence and circumstances behind the racist remarks.  It appeared to be a political decision to pacify a blood-thirsty public and protect their business interests, rather than serve justice.  They would have been sticking their own necks in the noose if they did otherwise.

I suspect few people have listened to the full nine minute recording posted earlier this week on TMZ, a celebrity website.  Instead, they rely on the media to feed them sound bites that ultimately shape their views.  None of us would want to be judged in such way. 

Racism is still rampant in America.  It just takes more clandestine form or lies deep within our psyches.  Participating in lynching a man like Sterling can serve to falsely absolve the vigilantes of any form of racism.  Sterling, although clearly a racist at heart, was just unfortunate enough to have his private remarks secretly recorded.  Can any of us say we have never said anything incriminating in the heat of a private argument that we would never express in public or act upon?  Sterling is just the villain de jour served up by the media to make the rest of us feel righteous.

Furthermore, very few if any in the media have been commenting on the impropriety of leaking a surreptitiously recorded private conversation or the angry context in which it was recorded.  Given the delicate subject of racism, it is easier and a bigger crowd-pleaser to crucify someone than to do investigative, balanced journalism.  Gone are the days when media sought truth and fairness if it ever existed in the first place.

Innocent until proven guilty is the corner stone of what makes our justice system so unique, yet it has always been corrupted when the media, politicians, and the public act as judge, jury, and executioner.  Unfortunately, media today determines public opinion which in turn influences those in authority who will ultimately pass judgment.  The degree of Sterling's guilt is not the point.  It's that we don't allow due process to take place before the noose is tied.