
Trump may be our last, best hope to save America

Artwork by Donna Grethen

A U.S. President whose party has control of both houses of Congress is a rare occurrence in the last half-century.  It’s only happened 12 years since 1969, 25% of the 48 years.  And usually for no more than two year spans.  Control of both Congress and the Oval Office for four consecutive years has only occurred twice during this period and at no time has it lasted more than four years.

By contrast, during the preceding 68 years, 1901 to 1969, the White House and the majority in Congress were of the same party for 52 years, or 76.47% of the time.  This is three times more frequently than the last 48 years.  No wonder we have gridlock.

So with a self-proclaimed Republican maverick about to occupy the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress there’s an unusual opportunity to fix the fundamental problems that have plagued Washington for many decades. Those who voted for Trump should not lose sight of this in the years ahead, particularly if they fail to act.

Policies related to health care, immigration, free trade, deregulation, and the like will continue to ebb and flow with different administrations as they always have, but the insidious cancer of big money influence in federal elections has remained untreated for many years.  It has to be addressed now.  To ignore it at this pivotal juncture is to risk government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Absent from the political spotlight for some time with Democrats and Republicans alike is the desperate need for term limits for members of Congress and, most importantly, campaign finance reform, both of which I believe are the root causes of most of what  ails this country. 

Retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) addressed campaign financing in his recent farewell address when he said:  “Something has to be done about the outrageous amount of money from sources that are dark, unknown, now involved in our federal elections.

“If this doesn’t change,” he said, “...in a couple more election cycles, we’re going to be just like Russia...We’re going to have a plutocracy - a few rich guys telling our leader what to do.”

Right now Washington is largely populated with vampires who have sold their souls to the rich and powerful.  Trump was principally elected because he was a Washington-outsider not yet tainted by the devil’s blood.  Yet, paradoxically, Trump as a beguiling billionaire could be the devil incarnate. 

But for now, I will reluctantly give President-elect Trump the benefit of the doubt and hope he can abandon his self-interests and find the courage to fix what is endemically wrong with Washington.  In order to do so, he has to speak softly and carry a big wooden stake.

Of course, expecting politicians to willingly allow a wooden stake to be driven through their own hearts is unrealistic.  It’s going to require a shrewd Washington outsider in the White House, along with solid support from media and the public to wrestle the Capital away from the devil.  I fear this may be our last, best hope.

Early indications suggest Trump will only carry on the Washington tradition of treating the symptoms, while leaving the malignancy untreated.  Whether or not Trump rejuvenates the economy, the disease will still be insidiously killing our form of government.  Haven’t we had enough of this from both parties!?  Wake up Americans and think!  Demand campaign finance reform and term-limits when we are availed with such a unique opportunity.  And hold your representatives accountable if they fail to do so.